
ブロンズ像の作り方 / Bronze casting

Life with metal というタイトルなのに、なかなかモノ作りを題材にした日記が書けていないので。。。今日はブロンズ像の作り方をざっくりと、書こうかと思います。



工程①すべてロウで出来てます。赤っぽい所が、本来作りたい所で、カップやその他のチューブみたいなのとかは、湯道と呼ばれるブロンズの通り道。この後、カップから下のチューブまですっぽり耐熱石膏で固めます。Wax piece with sprues.  will be covered by plaster mixed with silica sand.    

工程④すでに②も③も終わった状態。溶かした銅を流し込みます。Wax in the plaster has been evaporated over night.  Ready to pure melted bronze. 

工程④のあと。十分冷えた後に、耐熱石膏を割ると、中から①でロウの部分がすべてブロンズになった物が出て来ます。カップもブロンズになってます。 Breaking the plaster after cool-down.  You see all the sprues and cup are also casted into bronze.  
余分な部分を全部取り除いて、着色して出来上がり。 Finished piece after removing all sprues and cup and cleaning the surface.  

As the title of the blog indicates, I should be writing more about making something with metal... instead of writing too much about my garden and good fighters... So, I am writing about bronze casting this time.

Not only the art works, "casting" is very popular seen in the daily life, such as industrial works like lit for the manhole.
As for the bronze casting, there are different techniques used in different occasion time to time.  I, however, am not so familiar with the history of bronze casting, so I write about "lost-wax technique" here.

To make it simple, the steps are as below.
1.  Make any shape you like in wax
2.  Cover the wax piece by silica sand mixed plaster
3.  Put plaster into the kiln to evaporate the wax inside the plaster
4.  Set the plaster in the sand for safety and pure the melted bronze
5.  Break the plaster and take the bronze piece inside.  Clean the surface.  Finished.
It is almost the same method as making the silver accessories if you are familiar with it.
You can start with making wax piece first, but I often make cray piece first and make plaster mold out of it, then make the wax piece from the plaster mold.   This is to work on the details and make the bronze piece right and also for the other reasons..  but I won't go details here.

After removing all the bronze sprues and flashings from the surface, you will color your bronze piece with "patina" technique.   This is to color the surface by the chemical reaction of metal and chemicals.   Bronze changes into brown-black with liver of sulfer, for example.   You can change into various colors by using and mixing different chemicals and heat.

There are many steps and techniques involved in bronze casting, it seems, but I enjoy every step.
Hope bronze casting become more popular and cheap as it has lot of possibilities.

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