
お嫁に行く日 / Finally saying good bye

いつも回りに残っている彫刻たちに、「早く気に入ってもらって、お嫁に行って私を楽にしてくれないかな、、、。」なんて思っては居るけれど、 いざとなると寂しい。お届けする前は、しばらくぼーっと向き合ってしまった。


During the exhibition last weekend, I sold some of my works including a sculpture.  Unlike accessories and/or crafts for daily use, sculpture means more to me as it has no "function" but emotions (at least to me).   Though I wanted to sell my sculptures at some point in the future, I had no expectation this time because I know it is not easy to sell sculptures.
I was surprised but happy when someone showed strong interest and wanted to buy it.    I guess I was really excited, but at the same time I was a bit sad.  The sculpture was with me over 10 years, so it almost feels like my baby is leaving me...
Well, it was my long desire to be able to sell the sculptures to someone who like them, so I should be happy and wish her bright future with the new owner.  (She would be covered by dust if she stayed with me anyway....)
I believe that it was a good sign for the next ones to follow :)

Followings are the ones I had to say bye this time.

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